Lingerie & Swimwear
Looking and feeling good is all about comfort and confidence with labels from After Eden, Pour Moi, Lepel and Naturana at up to 60% off the RRP.
Our lingerie departments offer a wide range of solutions, with a free measuring and fitting service to ensure you find the right bra for you – one that’s comfortable, supportive, flattering and fabulous too.
Brands you will find in our lingerie & swimwear department include After Eden, Beachcomber, Guy de France, Naturana, Pretty Polly ,Pretty You London
Visit the Your Store pages to find out which brands are in your nearest Boundary Outlet Store. Colne, Grantham, Newcastle, Sheffield & Walsall.

See our other departments: Womenswear, Menswear, Baby & Child, Sport Outlet, Fragrance Cosmetics & Beauty, Bags and Accessories, Bed Linens & Curtains, Bathshop, Glassware & China, Home Accessories & Gifts, Cookshop & Small Electrical.
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